The letter J is represented by an artist, a designer and a vital space for San Miguel de Allende. The unifying theme is the diversity of ideas, materials and species that harmonize and embellish the imprint of each one of them.
JORGE YÁZPIK | The sculptor who escapes from sculpture
Originally from Mexico City, this multidisciplinary artist is recognized for his work with different materials such as wood, stucco, stone, ceramics, clay, silver, gold or paper. He has created a language that highlights the geometric cuts that he has been able to capture in sculptures in carvings directly on stone, wood or in engravings on amate paper, paintings on raw textiles or sculptures in stucco, assemblages in stone or wood, with silver or gold. His approach lies in his interest in the natural qualities of the materials he uses, in observation and in pushing the limits imposed by the materials and the space they occupy. Fundamentally, his prolific work escapes any definition. He always finds a new form or material to express his particular language.

JOEL ESCALONA | The Designer of visual harmony
His appreciation for natural materials combined with technology has been the basis for her designs to become collector’s items. In his creations one can perceive the balance between emotion and logic. The emotional and the rational flow in harmony even with opposite materials such as glass and stone or ceramic and wood. In Arde Gallery you will be able to acquire his creations, which have won several national and international awards.

BOTANICAL GARDEN | The botanical garden that defined San Miguel de Allende
With 100 hectares of land for conservation, a dam, a canyon and waterfalls during the rainy season, the Botanical Garden named El Charco del Ingenio is a natural reserve that has an extensive collection of cacti and other succulent plants of Mexico, many of them rare, threatened or endangered. You will find some of them in an exceptional architectural space called the Conservatory and others along the different paths and trails. In the Plaza de los cuatros vientos, you will be in one of the best spots in San Miguel de Allende to watch the sunset while enjoying the open air. Be sure to explore this wonderful place and live one of the many activities and experiences they offer!