Prince Lauder

Prince Lauder

Ciudad de méxico, 1992

Prince Lauder

From an early age, Prince Láuder’s work begins to develop through his great taste for the arts. At the age of 15, and in a very self-taught way, Prince began to experiment with different techniques such as painting, photography and collage, always looking for the relationship between them. With studies in philosophy and aesthetics by the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), he manages to establish a dialogue between beauty and art, investigating the portrait as the maximum exponent of beauty. After numerous series of collages and portraits inspired by fashion, music and film, he manages to position his work around the world with the style so characteristic of him. The figurative, the shapes and the color have been a constant in his work, leading his work to explore the cumulative concept of collage and turn it into an ordered image. He has exhibited in different countries and has collaborated with large international firms such as Chanel, Givenchy, H&M, Apple, Netflix and many more.

Recently he has been awarded as one of the ‘100 best collage artists in the world’, published in the book “Making a Splash” in Hong Kong.
